Professional Writing

This section of the portfolio contains work completed during periods of employment for various companies’ specific purposes. Much of this work appears uncredited on the internet.

“Thyroid Hormones Explained”
Written for Denver Holisitic Medicine, 2020

“The thyroid is often discussed as an integral part of the metabolic systems of the body, but many of us don’t understand how it works or what it does. Well, every single cell in your body depends on the thyroid to regulate their metabolic functions, which in turn regulates the functions of your organs, controlling things like heart rate, breathing, digestion, and the nervous system, among others…”

“Offering Your Employees a 401K”
Written for Noble Davis, 2020

“When considering whether to offer your employees a retirement savings option, you might think you really only have two options--a traditional pension or a 401(k). There's quite a bit more complexity to it than that, but before we address the finer details, it's important to draw the distinction between these two types of retirement accounts…”


Academic Writing